Failure IS an option – it’s an ingredient to success, quitting isn’t.


In all areas of life, if you want something bad enough, you go and you get it. It can be tough and you might fail, but you have to be willing to follow through and accept that there will be some sacrifice involved if you want to succeed at anything.

You’ll fall, you’ll fail, and here’s where you can choose to either quit or get back up and ignore all the hype, stay focused, and dare to do something different.

Doing the same thing and expecting different results is waking up and continuing to follow the same old routine you’ve been following and wondering why things might not be going the way you expected them to go. Wake up and do something different, something that you know will have you feeling accomplished by the end of the day.

Plan a trip – even locally, go to a social event, go for a walk, hike, read a book that you might not usually read (maybe you don’t read at all). Stimulate your brain and your mind to new experiences, this is where change begins and your behavior can adapt and grow. Condition yourself to the life you deserve.

Put your blinders on, ignore what others are doing, but stay focused enough to let those things motivate you to reach for a higher place.
This life will go by quickly, if you have children, you know this all too well by watching them grow up so quickly.

There’s always one thing we wish we could or would do. Make a plan to get that done and be amazed with the things that will follow.

You will be successful with your goals, you just have to know it.

When life hits you hard, hit the bar.


Rough week? Go ahead, hit the bar.

Take out your frustrations here, I guarantee you’ll feel a little better… At the very least.