

Service Area: United States


Our mission is to inspire and empower individuals to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. Through our innovative programs and unwavering support, we aim to create positive and lasting changes in people’s health, fitness, and overall well-being. We believe in fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment where individuals of all backgrounds and fitness levels can thrive and achieve their goals. With our dedication to excellence, integrity, and community impact, we strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our clients and the communities we serve. 


At Adapt Fitness, our core values guide our commitment to empowering individuals on their fitness journey through a supportive and practical online training experience. Our company values are as follows:

  1. Empowerment: We believe in empowering individuals to take control of their fitness journey by providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to succeed.
  2. Support: We are committed to creating a supportive environment where individuals of all fitness levels, backgrounds, and abilities feel welcomed and encouraged to embark on their fitness journey.
  3. Inclusivity: We value diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background or abilities, feels supported and motivated to pursue a healthier lifestyle.
  4. Social Responsibility: We recognize our responsibility to make a positive impact in our community and beyond. Therefore, we proudly donate a portion of our net proceeds to charitable organizations, contributing to the well-being of those in need.
  5. Community: We believe in building a strong community where individuals come together, support one another, and work towards making positive changes that benefit everyone. We foster a sense of unity and collaboration among our patrons.
  6. Continuous Innovation: We are dedicated to staying at the forefront of the industry by embracing continuous innovation and staying informed about the latest trends and research. By integrating evidence-based practices into our services, we provide our patrons with an effective and engaging experience that supports their progress.

By embodying these core values, we strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our clients, the broader community, and the fitness industry as a whole.


Our ultimate goal is to educate and empower our communities to develop lifelong habits of health and well-being. We believe that fitness is not just about physical transformation but also about building confidence, resilience, and self-belief. Through our comprehensive support system and educational resources, we aim to inspire and motivate individuals to adopt a sustainable fitness lifestyle.

Together, let us embrace the values of discipline and tenacity to achieve remarkable fitness milestones at Adapt Fitness. 

Join us on this transformative journey as we educate, empower, and inspire our communities to cultivate lifelong habits of health and well-being. 

From a young age, Ryan has been an active individual, immersed in martial arts. His journey began under the guidance of Grand Master Duk Gun Kwon, establishing a life dedicated to movement and wellness.

In 2001, rheumatoid arthritis crashed into his life, setting the stage for a four-year trek. Rejecting conventional treatments, Ryan overhauled his diet and lifestyle, emerging from the shadows of pain.

Amidst those challenging years, even basic activities like walking, entering a car, or navigating stairs became monumental feats. Undeterred, Ryan’s resilience propelled him into a deep dive of nutrition, musculoskeletal physiology, and movement dynamics.

Post-school, in 2010, he embraced the fitness realm as a personal trainer in a commercial gym. The craving for more led him to co-found a personal training studio in 2012, a testament to his commitment to pushing boundaries.

Fast forward to 2013, and the inception of Adapt Fitness marked a turning point. Blending traditional personal training with a flourishing online coaching platform, Ryan was set to redefine wellness.

Yet, the journey had its dark corners. Two tumultuous years were marked by relentless tests—neurologists, blood tests, CT scans—all in pursuit of answers. The diagnosis finally came: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. A bundle of nerves and arteries were essentially being clamped off between his clavicle (collar bone) and first rib. Surgery, with the removal of a rib, was the prognosis. However, Ryan opted for an intensive three-month physical therapy regimen, a testament to his commitment to overcoming adversity.

The narrative takes a sweet turn with the arrival of Ryan’s daughter, who became the anchor, propelling him beyond personal triumphs. Looking ahead, his vision goes beyond Adapt Fitness; it’s about developing a communal space where individuals collaboratively contribute to a positive and thriving environment.

Ryan is all about instilling mindfulness awareness in the upbringing of our future leaders. It’s a core principle he’s learned through facing personal hardships. Importantly, giving back is woven into the fabric of his journey. A portion of all proceeds from Adapt Fitness finds its way to established foundations, underscoring the importance of community and collective well-being.

Ryan’s journey is a testament to perseverance, continuous learning, and the pursuit of holistic wellness. As he shapes the future, Ryan’s legacy extends far beyond fitness; it’s a narrative of resilience, generosity, and a commitment to building a better, mindful world. 

Ryan provides a wide variety of personalized services and programs that are tailored to meet the goals of each individual he trains. His passion for helping others reach their health and fitness goals is evident in the care and attention he puts into every aspect of his work. He works with individuals to create personalized plans that are based on their individual needs and goals. He educates his clients on nutrition and exercise, and helps them to set realistic and achievable goals 

He is always looking for new challenges and ways to improve his clients’ experience. His knowledge, experience, and passion for health and fitness make him an excellent personal trainer.